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INTERVIEW: Wasanti Parajape

Wasanti Paranjape, Rob Wallace

Published: 2011-09-27

Wasanti Paranjape recounts her personal history and how she became involved in music, as well as discussing various topics including different musical cultures, the history of Indian music, and musical roles. The interview is concluded by a musical performance.

Available Files

  • Wasanti_Paranjabe_Interview_full.mp4

    394 MB | video/mp4

  • Wasanti_Paranjape_Transcript.pdf

    91 KB | application/pdf


...partly because I know that’s the only way that we could solve a creative problem [using improvisation with children ranging in abilities] and what doesn’t work is trying to impose a template on the students who are not able to respond to that template.

– Pauline Oliveros (in working with Abilities First)