Guelph Jazz Festival Colloquium

Throughout the duration of the ICASP Project, the University of Guelph will present seven international colloquia on a number of exciting aspects of improvisational research.
The Colloquium is presented by the Guelph Jazz Festival, in conjunction with the Improvisation, Community, and Social Practice project, the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, and the University of Guelph.
Current Colloquium
2015 Guelph Jazz Festival Colloquium: Among the People: Arts, Improvisation, and Well-BeingPast Colloquia
2014 Guelph Jazz Festival Colloquium: Sounding Futures
2013 Guelph Jazz Festival Colloquium: Sound Knowledges: A World Artist Summit
2010 Guelph Jazz Festival Colloquium: Improvising Bodies
2009 Guelph Jazz Festival Colloquium: Improvisation, the Arts, and Social Policy
2008 Guelph Jazz Festival Colloquium: Diaspora, Dispersal, Improvisation, and Imagination
2007 Guelph Jazz Festival Colloquium: People Get Ready: the Future of Jazz is NOW!