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PANEL 3B: Musical Radicalism and Social Activism

Guelph Jazz Festival, ICASP

Published: 2014-08-19

A conference panel presented as part of the 2013 Guelph Jazz Festival Colloquium. Moderator: Lauren Levesque
• Charlie Bramley (School of Arts and Cultures, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK), “Too Important to Be Left to the Musicians: Creating Alternative Musical Knowledge(s) through unMusical, Improvised Activism”
• Craig Pollard (Culture Lab and the International Centre for Music Studies, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK), “Subversion is Fertile: Happenings, Fabulations and DIY”
• Chris Tonelli (Improvisation, Community, and Social Practice, University of Guelph), “Improvised Soundsinging and the Police”
• Kimberly Teal (Ethnomusicology), “Outsiders Looking Out: The Stone and the Maintenance of Marginality”

Available Files

  • GJFC_2013_Panel_3B_full_Musical_Radicalism_edited.mp4

    645 MB | video/mp4


Improvisation is, simply put, being and living this very moment. No one can hide in music, and improvising in music is to be truly in this very moment and being completely yourself, with all your qualities and faults. It is probably the most honest state for a human being to be in.

– John McLaughlin in an interview with Daniel Fischlin.